Senior Communication intern at SNV - Dodoma,


Company Description
Job Description
Additional Information


SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

Programme Summary

SNV signed a contract with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS) to implement a 5 year project, branded as Climate Resilient Agribusiness For Tomorrow (CRAFT), in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. SNV, in collaboration with the other consortium partners (Wageningen University & Research, CGIAR’s Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security programme-CCAFS, Agriterra and Rabo Partnerships), as well as supply chain partners in several targeted agricultural value chains will promote climate smart agriculture (CSA) to transform and reorient agricultural systems to the new realities of climate change.

The project will apply an inclusive business development approach for CSA, focusing on arable farming systems in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. CRAFT project aims for improved food security by working towards climate resilient farming systems which increase productivity under changing climatic circumstances, while reducing food waste and losses throughout the supply chain. The project will deliver sustainable impact in the following areas:

1)    Productive capacity and income increased for 300,000 smallholder farmers.

2)    Business performance improved for 50 agribusinesses/SMEs and 30 cooperatives for climate-proof value chains.

3)    Climate resilient sustainable food production practiced on 600,000 hectares


Overview of the Position

The implementation strategy of the CRAFT project is based on complementary interventions at three levels:                    (a) farming systems, (b) inclusive value chains, and (c) the enabling environment. Technical assistance and interventions meant to target project stakeholders (farmers, SMEs, cooperatives, private sector, financial institutions, government agencies, etc) at these different levels will be done through five different work streams that will guide the implementation process to achieve the expected results at output, outcome, and impact level. These work streams include:

a)    CSA practices and technologies for resilient farming systems and SMEs

b)    Climate smart investment in inclusive value chains

c)     Enabling environment for development and scaling of CSA

d)    Learning and knowledge sharing (cross-cutting)

e)    Gender and youth inclusion (cross-cutting)

The cross-cutting work stream for gender and youth inclusion will emphasise targeted interventions where needed to ensure equity and inclusion through gender sensitive service provision, promotion of household/group dialogues on gender labour division and income-related decision making, as well as targeted support to women- and youth-led companies and leadership. 

Responsibilities/ Deliverables of the Position

1)    Design, produce and edit content and storylines for visual, audio, and social media.

2)    Undertake field visits and participate in planning, writing, and managing information updates, activity briefs, and other information products (media content - photos and stories) for partners, and stakeholders as requested.

3)    Assist with reporting of learning events

4)    Support in maintaining and updating the CRAFT social media sites and or write copy of posts

5)    Assist in the production of press releases, and promotional materials.

6)    Editorial support

7)    Maintain records of media coverage and collate analytics and metrics

8)    Part of team to plan and deliver communication campaigns and high-profile events i.e., national, and international conferences, seminars, and workshops aimed at boosting the visibility of CRAFT project, and increasing engagement with partners and stakeholders

9)    General administrative and communications support as assigned

Desired Skills and Attitude

·          A university Degree in public relations, communication, journalism, or marketing

·          Possess a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office products

·          Excellent English and Swahili writing skills

·          Good photography skills

·          Possess the ability to accurately follow directions

·          Have a high degree of organization and self-motivation

·          Have an ability to multitask

·          Possess excellent communication skills

·          Basic knowledge in agriculture and rural development

·          Eager to learn and work with various teams.

·          Experience with online and social media communication strategies

·          The ability to act as an effective and efficient team player.

·          Willingness to travel to remote areas

Contract Type: Internship Agreement

Contract Duration: One Year 

Expected Start Date: September 2021

Information Duty Station:  Dodoma 

How to Apply:

The vacancy is for internal and external candidates  and it will active up to 23rd July  2021 and all application should be through Smart Recruiters on the following link


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